I love how you put so much effort into this app in tryin to help the children learn many things education and helping to prepare for preschool kindergarten but the down fall is how well you guys give detail about how great this app is and how many games and learning techniques are inside it but you only get the first 6 letters... Theres so many apps that do the same exact thing our app does and all with a price on the app why not really want to help and stand out by allowing this amazing app that truly does help the children and let it be free!! Not all peoples are able to purchase apps or whatever the case is!! So many of us parents want our children to be beyond smart but are tired of seeing a $ tag on the apps that help the kids and the creators of the app talking about how they too are either parents themselves or really want to help and be part of helping the education of these children! Help them and help us by allowing this great app free even for a few days even and i bet you see a huge jump in purchases!
LousMomma about ABC Genius - Preschool Games for Learning Letters